Maayke Bal is a Dutch contemporary artist, psychologist, mother and wife, with a deep interest in human nature, blending its inherent positive and negative aspects. Her diverse background includes roles in addiction treatment, forensic psychiatry, and the Dutch prison system, later transitioning into independent practice and a dedicated art career after significant life events.

Maayke values authenticity and is committed to creative freedom and exploration, guided by intuitive and non-rational impulses. Her integrative abstract works predominantly consist of large square paintings on a hard surface, created using oil paint and encaustic techniques.


Inspired by the interplay beauty and pain in real life, symbolism, written words and music, my creative process is rooted in formalism, materialism and abstraction from beginning to end. Through intuitive layering, intentionality, and disruption, I seek balance between timeless composition and expressive rebellion. Gushing, smearing, glazing, scratching, sculpting, heating and fusing, I explore material, color, texture and form untill the work feels complete.